Karen Stehr Property - Sunshine Coast's leading Property Management
Creating as much peace of mind as possible and reducing any stress and drama from our lives is what most of us strive to achieve. For this reason, I consider the REIQ to be an essential core element and foundation to improving the industry as a whole.
The REIQ is governed by a Constitution which sets out clear rules and guiding principles for the organisation.. With a focus on servicing its members and the Queensland real estate profession, the Constitution provides the framework to ensure the REIQ remains a leader in the profession. The REIQ operates under a set of by-laws which reflect the organisation's commitment to servicing the needs of its members and the profession.
I pride myself on the knowledge and education received from the REIQ so that I may be a confident, ethical professional when involved in any real estate transaction. I am an individual member of the REIQ and as such, I believe I have the ability to provide peace of mind to consumers with my commitment to the REIQ Standards of Business Practice.
The REIQ Standards of Best Practice were developed with the objective of increasing accountability of members in carrying on the business of a real estate agent. The REIQ have a valued reputation for encouraging the highest ethical standards among its members.
That is a fairly powerful objective and one I can boast to be involved with. To remain a member, I must complete appropriate ongoing training and professional development which only further enhances knowledge of legislation requirements and changes within the industry. Knowledge that empowers myself as a Licensed Principal to be the best I can be and to share that knowledge and professionalism with clients and consumers creating a positive, peace of mind service.
Education, training, personal development and accountability... strong key fundamentals for building a reputable industry. Consumers can therefore choose an agency based on the knowledge that REIQ agencies have undertaken and are committed to continuing professional development and ongoing training.
REIQ agencies provide peace of mind to consumers as they are;
Committed to the REIQ Standards of Business Practice
Carry professional indemnity insurance
Have access to REIQ standard contracts approved by the Queensland Law Society
Can access the latest property research data to provide you with important information when considering your next real estate transaction
If you seek an educated member of the REIQ, accountable and professional, with a passion for my career.. or would simply like to discuss the rental market - give me a call!
Karen Stehr
M: 0417 618 480
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